Ras Fincher

First impressions of Gatsby

October 04, 2019

I spent the morning looking at solutions for creating a new blog. After spending some time on StaticGen I decided to go with Gatsby. The reason I chose Gatsby over others like Jekyll, Hexo, Hugo, etc. was that Gatsby uses React and I have not used React as much as I would like. I have been building an app using Angular 8 for one of my classes, so I thought it might be nice to try out something a little different for this blog.

First, I simply cannot believe how easy it was to get a starter project up and running with Gatsby. I’d estimate from deciding that I was going to use Gatsby to actually having something running was under ten minutes. To be fair, I am using a lot of generated code to run this blog, but looking at the source I can see how easily extendable and customizable Gatsby can be.

Second, the documentation for Gatsby is awesome. Every question I initially had was right there. I have a high bar when it comes to documentation and I’d have to say this is right up there with some of the best. They even have a section called Recipes that they tout as a half-way point between documentation and tutorials.

Gatsby has me intrigued to explore React more. But my first step is going to be to write some code to make creating blog entries a little simpler. Stay tuned for more thoughts on Gatsby, React, and other random things.